Reunification Default Communication & Notifications

You can control the automated notifications that are sent during Reunification to send specific instructions to each recipient group.


Manage Notifications

Default Notifications are controlled by the District Safety Team. When Reunification is initiated, your Reunification Team (District or Site) will have the ability to edit the notifications if needed.

  1. Log into using a District Safety Team account.
  2. Choose Default Communication & Notifications.
  3. Edit the plain text for each notification as needed. (See examples below.)
  4. Edit the notification method (Email, Text, Voice, Push to Mobile App) as needed.
  5. Choose Save.

Sample Notifications

You can use our sample scripts as a template, or you can use your own.

  • Reunification Team
    You have been assigned to Reunification Team: $$REUNIFICATION_TEAM$$.

    Remember to bring the following: mobile device or tablet, device charger, water, all personal belongings.

    Please contact $$INCIDENT_COMMANDER$$ if you are unable to report for whatever reason.
  • District Safety Team/Site Safety Team/First Responders
    Remember to bring the following: mobile device or tablet, device charger, water, all personal belongings.
  • Teachers/Staff
    Remember to bring the following: mobile device or tablet, device charger, water, all personal belongings.

Special word variables

The Reunification Team notification can include special words surrounded by double dollar signs (“$$”). The special word variables are:

  • Name of team that the recipient is assigned to
  • List of users assigned to a specific role
    • $$EXIT_MANAGER$$

Manage Items To Bring

You may consider giving your teachers and staff a list of items to bring. This will appear in the Check-In Wizard. HTML formatting is supported.

Sample Items to Bring

  • Teacher/Staff Items to Bring List

    Please consider the following. You will not be able to collect any personal items for several days if you do not bring them with you now. 
    <li>Mobile Phone & Charger</li>
    <li>Personal Belongings</li>
    <li>Water & Snacks (if possible)</li>
    <li>Bring Attendance Sheet</li>
    <li>Use the Restroom</li>
    <li>Leave Student Belongings</li>