Initiate and Resolve Reunification
Reunification - a process that allows parents to pick up their students in a formalized, controlled release - may be required after an Action Alert is resolved.
Reunification is available per site, and can be initiated from the District Command Center or Site Dashboard.
Initiate Reunification
- Log into using a Safety Team account.
- Choose Reunification.
- Choose Initiate Reunification.
- Under Who is overseeing the reunification event?, select the appropriate team(s).
- District Reunification Team Members
- Site Reunification Team Members
- Under Why are you reunifying students with parents/guardians?, fill in your responses. This information will be communicated to all stakeholders.
- Why are we reunifying?
- What should parents/guardians bring with them?
- How long do we anticipate this will take?
- Choose Next.
If initiating from the district level, select the site(s) that will be reunifying.
Note: Reunification cannot be initiated at any sites with an open Caution Alert or Action Alert.
- Choose Next.
- If initiating from the district level, choose Onsite or Offsite.
- If Onsite:
- Choose your Reunification Type.
- Choose Next.
- If Offsite:
Choose your Reunification Location or add a Custom Location.
Note: Latitude, Longitude, and Reunification Maps are not required.
- Choose Next.
- If Onsite:
- If initiating at the site level, choose Onsite.
- Note: At some districts, sites are given the option of Onsite or Offsite Reunification.
- If Onsite:
- Choose your Reunification Type.
- Choose Next.
- If Onsite:
- For each school site, fill in the details under Where are your Reunification Zones?
- Guardian Check-in Zone
- Student Holding Zone
- Are you using runners to escort students to a holding zone?
- Student/Guardian Reunification Zone
- Choose Next.
- Enter your Emergency Wi-Fi & Additional Comments. If you have already provided these, the fields will automatically populate but can be edited if needed. (See Reunification Default Communication & Notifications for more information.)
- Choose Initiate Reunification.
Resolve Reunification
- Choose Resolve Reunification (green button at bottom).
- Fill in the resolution details.
- Choose Resolve Reunification.