Computer takeover popup

The computer takeover popup for Windows shows a full-screen alert for Caution Alerts, Action Alerts, and Drills.

The popup appears in front of all your current applications. The full-screen alert pop up includes an audio alert and includes a View Details button that takes you to for more information.


Interested in purchasing the computer takeover popup? Contact your Customer Success Manager.


To install on a single computer, download and run CatapultEMS.msi.

The installer supports silent install (via the /passive or /qn switches), useful when deploying to multiple computers.

msiexec /i "CatapultEMS.msi" /passive

Silent install does not automatically launch the app, so you need to do that as a separate step. Alternatively, restart the computer, to trigger the automatic startup on login.


In most environments, the app prompts the user to log in after installation (screenshot below). After the user logs in, the app remembers the user between computer restarts.

If your district uses Active Directory (AD), the app supports zero-click login. This means you do not need to log into the desktop app specifically (just log into Windows). For this to work, the AD domain and usernames (\jsmith) must match the email username and domain (


The app downloads and installs updates automatically. It checks and installs any updates at user log on. 


Logs are stored locally at C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\CatapultEMS\Log